Formação Profissional para o Mercado de Trabalho em Angola

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    13.08.2014: Sonhos angolanos – Developing the Future
    This book documents the story behind the future dreams of Cambamba’s residents.

    'Cambamba I' and 'Banga We' are iron shack settlements fringing a newly-built quarter of Angola’s capital Luanda. Migrants from Angolas different provinces are stranded here for various reasons. But all of them share one hope: That Luanda will improve their life and that their dreams will come true. more
    10.06.2014: FormPRO video clip "O Pedreiro!" selected to be shown at Media Festival in Germany
    We are glad to announce that the video clip "O Pedreiro!", produced by FormPRO, was selected among 290 submissions from 33 countries to be shown at a media festival in Germany.

    The festival takes place at the "XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work", organized by the International Social Security Association (ISSA), from 24-27. August 2014 in Frankfurt/Germany. A representative of the Angolan INEFOP was invited to participate in the event and present the film. more
    22.11.2013: Continuous efforts to strengthen Vocational Training in Angola
    With the project GIZ-FormPRO having finalized activities some weeks ago, our partners do not cease their efforts to strengthen Vocational Training in Angola.
    In late October 2013, MAPTSS organized a National Conference on Labour and Vocational Training. A variety of stakeholders convened to discuss relevant issues, among others the German "Dual System". more
    03.10.2013: Closure of the project FormPRO
    24.09.2013: Cooperation continues in specific area
    The technical cooperation between Angola and Germany continues in the field of occupational safety, though without GIZ/BMZ involvement. more
    25.08.2013: Faça Isso! - The full television show now here
    All eight film of the series "Faça Isso" here more
    11.08.2013: Faça Isso - The series now on TV: Channel TPA1
    Each Saturday at 11:30am
    Starting this week and until mid-September, each Saturday at 11:30am, one of the episodes of "Faça Isso" will be broadcasted. more
    20.06.2013: Top Prize to „Luanda, Encyclopedic City"
    Angolan Pavilion takes home the Golden Lion at Venice Biennale
    It was the first Sub-Sahara African pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale ever: the Angolan Pavilion won the Golden Lion at the 2013 Venice Biennale. Paula Nascimento and Stefano Rabolli Pansera present in a palace in Venice 23 large photographs by Edson Chagas titled "Luanda, Encyclopedic City". more
    21.05.2013: ISSA-Training on Occupational Safety
    04.04.2013: Trabalhar Seguro - Safety First
    Safety at work has long been an important issue for FormPRO. Recently, the Angolan cartoonist Ihosvanny, together with several Angolan musicians, produced an animated cartoon about work safety. It shows that the topic can be dealt with in an attracting way, appealing even to young people. more
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    Partner BMZ GIZ MAPESS
    GIZ-FormPro | T 00244 222 391707 | F 00244 222 338453 | |